
Friday 1 January 2010

New Year's prediction?

The New Year is upon us and as usual, I will automatically search on the internet for some spiritual indication of what I could expect in 2010. There wasn’t much to discover in the first page of my search, ‘2010 forecast’. It’s just some prediction from businesses, economists and politicians on what they think the year ahead is going to be.

I search for fengshui in 2010 ( though it’s still early as the new year predictions is suppose to start from 4th February. After browsing through the search results and only getting an indication that the year 2010 is going to challenging for many, I start questioning myself on why I do this search every time in the new year.
A thought passes through my mind that perhaps I don’t really want to know if the following year is going to be difficult. Maybe, I should just trust my faith and not try to follow any predictions. Or could it be, I am getting bored with my usual desire on wanting to know what is ahead instead of allowing events to unfold. Or maybe, I just don’t want to know since there is a possibility that it might be difficult.

I guess I can’t have everything, there isn’t a magic wand where I can control and accept only things that I like to receive and avoid things that are challenging. That’s life isn’t. That’s the fascinating and intriguing thing about being alive. There is no prolonged certainty. This does not apply to human being only. Our pets at home, the animals in the wild, birds and fish in the ocean can’t always control the every aspects of their life.

The answer for me is probably here in this blog post. The predictions in 2009, good and bad have not really affect my life. In fact, I have forgotten most of it through the year. So what’s the use of finding out. This must be a waking call for me to let life run its natural course instead of trying to find out what’s going to happen before it happen. I should stop attempting to read the last page of a book before I continue chapter 2.

Today, I will recall my achievements and regrets in 2009. I will accept my failures and move on. I will acknowledge my achievements in 2009 and learn how to make it even better. I know that my interest in reading future predictions is because of my need to try to be in control. Being in control of our life isn’t a bad thing but controlling it with the desire of avoiding life challenges is probably a cowardly behaviour. I will remember the serenity prayer as I walk through life challenge in 2010 –
God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
The courage to change the things that I can;
And the wisdom to know the difference

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