
Monday 28 September 2009

Do you want to get rid of cellulite on your thighs?

Are you embarrassed by the unsightly lumpy “orange peel” effect on your thighs? Do you wish you can wear shorts or put on bikini at the beach without concern about showing off your unflattering cellulites? Do you want to get rid of cellulites on your thighs?

The good news is cellulite is unselective about when it comes to who it will affect. Whether you are thin, plump or overweight, it is highly possible that you will get cellulite at some point in your life. But does that mean that we have to live with cellulite?

What is Cellulite?

Cellulites are collections of fat and dietary toxins stored in the cells under our skin and it affect almost 90% of women and a small percentage on men. Fat and waste toxins pushes against connective tissues beneath our skin, giving the dimple, lumpy look on the surface of the skin. Cellulites are small pockets of waste and it makes certain parts of our body look unsightly, especially around thighs, butts, stomach and arms. You can easily check if you have cellulite by pinching the skin around your upper thigh. If it looks lumpy, you probably have cellulite.

How to get rid of cellulites on your thighs?

Getting rid of cellulite on thighs should be a combination of internal and external treatment. The ultimate purpose is to effectively eliminate toxic waste from our body, enhance the body’s natural cellular function and speed up metabolic rate. Doing it correctly will not only ensure long term reduction of cellulite, it will also improve our health and well being.

Exercise frequently (minimum 3 times a week) to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Target exercises that work on thighs such as step aerobics, swimming, brisk walking and leg curls. Incorporate some strength training in your exercise regime, especially workout that will increase the muscle tones and decrease body fat.

Adopt a healthy and balanced diet that is low in fat. Avoid junk food, processed food, sugary snacks and food with saturated and hydrogenated fat. Excessive consumption of these foods can result in cellulite build-ups especially on your thighs, hips and stomach. Eat foods that are packed with nutrients such as lecithin, antioxidants and essential fatty acids. These foods help reduce cellular inflammation and increase circulation, which in turn prevent fat cells from migrating to the skin's surface. Eating smaller meals several times a day can help improve the body’s metabolic rate. A healthy diet will improve your skin and enhance your overall well being.

Drink more than 8 glasses of water a day will hydrate your body and help flush out toxins. This should not include coffee, alcohol and drinks with high sugar content.

Do daily skin brushing as it can help stimulate blood circulation and improve lymphatic drainage. Skin brushing also remove dead skin cells and encourage new cell growth. To get the best benefit from skin brushing, do it before bathing.

One of the quickest ways of reducing the appearance of cellulite is probably with anti cellulite cream. There are many creams in the market that can help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Some of these creams work only on the first layer of our skin; drawing away waste water from the skin and giving temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite. An effective anti-cellulite cream is one that can dissolve and dislodge hard, fatty deposits on your thighs. Look out for creams that contain antioxidants and ingredients that will work naturally within our body and stimulate blood flow.

Though it is not always possible to get rid of cellulite totally, a program consisting of proper healthy diet, frequent exercises that last for more than 30 minutes, drinking more than 8 glasses of water and maintaining with skin brushes and anti cellulite cream will help us keep cellulite at bay.

Related resources:
Get rid of cellulite with Cellulean
Achieve smooth and beautiful cellulite free skin
Should we be concerned about cellulite

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